Saccharomyces Boulardii Is Good For SIBO

Latest Research: Saccharomyces Boulardii Is Good For SIBO

Do you live in Ottawa? Are you wondering whether the probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardii is good for SIBO?

Today, I will discuss some of the latest research showing that the probiotic Saccharomyces Bourlardi is suitable for SIBO eradication.

Let’s begin by describing what SIBO is.

What Is Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth?

SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, is a condition in which bacteria overgrow in the small intestine, leading to various digestive symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation.

The small intestine is where most of our calories and nutrients are absorbed, so SIBO inflammation can lead to malabsorption issues. SIBO can also result in gut dysbiosis, contributing to an imbalance in the gut microbiome and various health issues.

Furthermore, the small intestines have the body’s highest percentage of immune cells.

SIBO can cause these immune cells to trigger inflammation, affecting the rest of the body. A significant portion of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may also be affected by SIBO, sharing similar symptoms.

This inflammation can cause symptoms such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, skin issues, body odour, depression, metabolic disorders, and even malabsorption of thyroid medicatiLet’set’s look at what Saccharomyces Bourlardi is.

What Is Probiotic Saccharomyces Boulardii?

Henry Bourlard discovered Saccharomyces Bourlardii.

Henry Boulard was travelling through Indo-China to discover a new type of yeast for winemaking.

Simultaneously, there was an outbreak of Cholera when Boulard observed that those who drank a particular tea did not have cholera-induced diarrhea.

Later, Boulard isolated the yeast used in the fermentation of the tea, which was Saccharomyces Bourlardi.

Since then, researchers have found Saccharomyces Bourlardi has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-parasitic properties.

Just because they have these properties does not mean they are effective as a treatment.

A double-blind, randomized clinical trial is the best scientific way to show the effectiveness of a particular treatment.

Let’s look at a recent study examining whether SaccharomyBourlardi’sdi’s is good for SIBO.

Latest Research: Saccharomyces Boulardii Is Good For SIBO

A study published in January 2023 looked at the effect of Saccharomyces Bourlardii plus a Low Fodmap diet on people with bacterial overgrowth associated with IBS-D and its impact on the intestinal microbiota. The study also evaluated the efficacy of probiotics in treating SIBO in patients with decompensated cirrhosis.

The results of the study showed the following:

  • Reduced Bacterial Overgrowth in the Small Intestines

  • Reduced Abdominal Pain

  • Reduced Diarrhea

  • Restoration of the Microbiota

  • Lower serum nitrate levels, an endothelial dysfunction biomarker, in patients who successfully eradicated SIBO

The study comprised two groups, one on the low Fodmap diet and the other on Saccharomyces Bourlardii plus a Low Fodmap diet. Researchers compared outcomes between patients in whom SIBO was eradicated versus those with persistent SIBO.

Despite significant improvements, there were no substantial changes in claudin three levels, an intestinal barrier biomarker.

After two weeks, researchers saw a 40% improvement in SIBO for people on Saccharomyces Bourlardii plus a Low-Fodmap diet and a 30% improvement for people on the low-fodmap diet. SIBO affects systemic inflammation and liver fibrosis in patients with liver cirrhosis.

This study confirms typical clinical findings that people usually see symptom improvements after 2-3 weeks.

The study detailed the treatment regime and observed health outcomes in the probiotic group.

The typical time to expect optimal symptom changes when taking probiotics is 2-3 months.

The study emphasizes the positive outcomes of using probiotics in an SIBO eradication protocol.

Let’s now look at a simple protocol based on the above study, emphasizing the effectiveness of Saccharomyces Boulardii in treating SIBO and alleviating associated gastrointestinal symptoms.

A Simple SIBO Eradication Protocol Using Saccharomyces Bourlardii.

Based on the study, I recommend taking a Saccharomyces Bourlardii supplement such as Floramyces, one capsule twice daily.

Soil-based probiotics have gained attention for their potential benefits in treating Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO). These probiotics have unique anti-inflammatory effects and do not colonize the small intestine, which may reduce SIBO symptoms and prevent recurrence.

If you do not see any change in your symptoms by the two-week mark, I recommend trying a different type of probiotic.

The two other types of probiotics include the following:

If you see improvements, continue for 2-3 months or until symptoms level out.

If some symptoms remain, you could try introducing different types of probiotics.

Note: If you start a probiotic and get digestive upset for more than 2-3 days, change to a different type.

Do you suffer from SIBO?

Have you tried taking Saccharomyces Bourlardii?

Did it help your symptoms?

Cause Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

A Cause Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Mast Cell Activation

Do you live in Ottawa? Are you looking for the cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If so, you are in the right place.

Today, I will discuss the role of mast cell activation as a cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

In This Article:

Let’s begin by looking at what mast cells are.

What Are Mast Cells?

Mast cells are essential and are found in many of the body’s barriers, including the skin and the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.

Mast cells also affect systemic immune responses to pathogens such as bacteria or viruses.

Mast cells can be activated by a wide range of factors, some of which we will talk about later.

They also produce a wide range of immune mediators (small proteins) responding to an invader (e.g., microbes).

Abnormal, chronic activation of mast cells can contribute to a wide range of conditions, including the following:

  • Mastocytosis
  • Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
  • Respiratory conditions such as seasonal allergies
  • Skin conditions such as Eczema
  • Gastrointestinal disorders

Let’s look at what symptoms chronically activated mast cells play a role in different parts of the GI tract.

What Symptoms To Chronically Activated Mast Cells Produce In The GI Tract?

The chronically activated mast cells produce the following symptoms in The GI tract:

  • Esophageal – heartburn, dysphagia, globus and chest pain.
  • Stomach – Dyspepsia
  • Small and Large intestine – Abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea and constipation.

Many of these symptoms overlap common GI conditions such as IBS or Irritable bowel syndrome.

This similarity can make diagnosis difficult; however, we will discuss how, rather than mast cells being a separate cause, they may play a role in the mechanism that produces IBS symptoms.

Let us examine how mast cells orchestrate the immune system’s response to pathogens.

How Mast Cells Orchestrate The Immune Systems Response To Pathogens In The Gut

Mast cells orchestrate the immune system’s response to invaders in the gut by stimulating the release of various immune mediators.

An example of an invader in the gut is food allergies and sensitivities, which stimulate the release of IgE and IgG antigens.

These antigens attach to the Mast cell and stimulate an immune response, including the following:

  • B and T cells are part of your frontline or Adaptive immunity.
  • Mast cells can affect the permeability of the cells that line the gut leading to fluid moving into the gi tract and bloating.
  • Neutrophils, Dendritic cells and Macrophages kill pathogens in the gut.
  • Cytokine and mucous production produce an increased inflammatory response in the gut.
  • Mast cells also play a role in the leaky gut by affecting the Epithelial cells.
  • Mast cells affect the smooth muscle in the gut lining causing poor gut motility and visceral Hypersensitivity. Poor gut motility can lead to IBS.

Let’s examine and look at now what GI conditions are commonly associated with mast cell activation.

What Conditions Are Commonly Associated With Mast Cell Activation?

The GI conditions associated with mast cell activation are split into two main categories, including the following:

Functional GI Disorders

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Functional Dyspepsia – recurring symptoms of an upset stomach that have no apparent cause.

Adverse Food Reactions

  • Food Allergies
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Food Intolerances

Let’s look at the growing scientific evidence of the association between IBS and activated mast cells.

The Growing Scientific Evidence Of An Association Between IBS And Mast Cell Activation

There have been several recent scientific papers concluding an association between IBS and mast cell activation, including the following:

Let’s now look at what factors and mechanisms underlie mast cell activation in the gut.

What Factors And Mechanisms Underlie Mast Cell Activation In The Gut?

Several factors underlie mast cell activation in the gut, including the following:

  • Gastroenteritis or food poisoning
  • Dybiosis includes the overgrowth of bacteria (e.g. staph aureus), h.pylori, Candida and parasites.
  • Chronic stress
  • Past emotional and physical trauma
  • Food allergies and sensitivities

Let’s now summarise what we have found.

What Have We Found?

GI infections and mast cells may play a role in food-triggered symptoms in patients with functional disorders such as IBS (via local IgE responses).

Dybiosis (e.g. Staph Aureus overgrowth) may prime mast cell activation, further promoting food antigen-triggered symptoms.

Now It’s Over To You

Do you suffer from IBS?

Do you understand more about the role of mast cell activation as a cause of irritable bowel syndrome?

Leave me a comment below.

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If you need help, I suggest you book a free functional medicine discovery session with me to determine whether my functional medicine approach fits your child’s needs.


The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please do not apply this information without first speaking with your doctor.

2 Best Leaky Gut Tests - Dominick Hussey - Functional Medicine

2 Best Leaky Gut Tests

Susan was experiencing severe bloating, gas and diarrhea. She had been to see her GP, 3 Gastroenterologists. All her tests were normal including bloodwork, an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. No one could explain her symptoms. Like most people in her position, Susan began to look for answers on the internet. Eventually, she came across an article on a condition known as leaky gut. Her symptoms appeared to match those of leaky gut. Her question was what were best leaky gut tests.

In this article, we will cover the fundamentals basics of leaky gut, is testing for leaky gut a good idea, and the two best leaky gut tests.

The Fundamentals of Leaky Gut

A leaky gut is a popular term that describes a condition where the lining of the intestines is not functioning correctly. The correct medical term for leaky gut is increased intestinal permeability.

The intestinal lining covers a surface area of about 400 metres squared and requires about 40 per cent of the body’s energy expenditure.  That is pretty extraordinary when you think that the brain needs only 20 per cent of the body’s energy expenditure.

This fact tells us that the intestinal lining is essential to our health.

The gut is a hollow tube that connects the mouth to the anus.  So, everything that is inside of the gut is technically outside of the body. Therefore everything that is inside of the gut is not technically inside of the body.

Therefore anything that is in the gut to move into the body has to cross that intestinal lining. A fundamental function of the intestinal lining is to let in things that should get in and keep out things that should not stay out.

When certain conditions are present, the intestinal lining’s capability of doing that task breaks down, and then all kinds of problems can happen.

Many factors can interfere with the function of the intestinal lining including:

  • A western-type inflammatory diet, lacking in fermentable carbohydrates and fermented foods
  • Bacterial, viral, parasitic infections
  • Fungal overgrowth
  • Heavy metals
  • Mold
  • Certain medications like proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics, or NSAIDs
  • Lifestyle factors like chronic stress or sleep deprivation or inappropriate physical activity, like too little or too much
  • Inadequate immune stimulation during our developmental period. Insufficient immune stimulation is known as the hygiene hypothesis. Better hygiene has done a lot to reduce acute infections, but these overly sterilised environments may have contributed to immune dysregulation because our immune systems aren’t adequately stimulated.

There are other factors which we call endogenous factors. Endogenous means they are factors that occur inside of the body that can contribute to leaky gut.

Endogenous factors include chronic inflammation, SIBO, or gut-brain axis problems

Is testing for leaky gut a good idea?

In my opinion, a leaky gut is almost always a symptom of a deep-seated underlying issue, meaning that the underlying problem comes before a leaky gut.

Causes of a leaky gut may include any of above factors that interfere with the function of the intestinal lining.

One of the critical principles of functional medicine is that we want to get to the bottom of what is causing symptoms or even manifestations of a disease. We want to remove or address those causes or triggers before we try to do anything about the symptom or the sign. The more we can get to the root of the problem, the more effective the intervention will be.

In other words, by suppressing symptoms, it is going to be less effective, and will not last for as long because we have not addressed the underlying cause.

So with intestinal permeability, if we remove the triggers that are causing leaky gut in many cases, you will not need to address intestinal permeability because it will take care of itself.

One of the astonishing things about the cells in the gut is they regenerate every two to three days. Therefore if you remove the triggers that are causing the problem, the cells will revive and the tight junctions can restore themselves, and the intestinal permeability will disappear.

Hence typically in my practice clinic, before looking at a leaky gut, I will test and treat the triggers such as food sensitivities, gut infections and stress. If the patient is still having problems that we could associate with leaky gut, at that point, I will consider testing for intestinal permeability.

Testing options for intestinal permeability

If you look at the research, many different leaky gut tests have been used to define or identify intestinal permeability. Some of these are more common than others, but I am just going to mention a few different ones, and then I will tell you what I use in my practice and what I recommend.

The first is the lactulose/mannitol permeability assay. This test uses molecules, sugars, long-chain sugars called oligosaccharides, and I will explain a little bit more about that in a later.

The second test is an antigenic permeability screen. This test looks at antibodies to particular antigens like lipopolysaccharides and then also antibodies to endogenous molecules like actomyosin, occludin and zonulin. These are proteins that the body produces in the gut that help to regulate tight junction permeability, the structure of the gut and determine whether the gut is permeable or not.

The next marker that researchers sometimes use in studies is an organic acid called D-lactate or D-lactic acid. D-lactate is different from lactic acid that you may have heard about that can be high after exercise. This organic acid is a product of bacterial metabolism which is produced in the gut. Some studies have shown a correlation between high D-lactate and increased intestinal permeability.

Butyrate, which is a short-chain fatty acid, has been investigated as a potential marker for intestinal permeability. Low butyrate is a sign of leaky gut.

Finally, zonulin is a protein that regulates the tight junctions in the gut has been investigated as a marker for intestinal permeability.

What Are The Best Leaky Gut Tests?

In terms of clinical practice and what is readily available and has been most validated by the scientific research, the lactulose/mannitol test and the antigenic permeability screen are the two best leaky gut tests.

The Lactulose/Mannitol Test

The lactulose/mannitol test involves measuring levels of two sugars in the urine after the patient consumes those sugars. By looking at the ratio of the two sugars in the urine you can tell you whether the gut is permeable.

The lactulose/mannitol test is available through Genova Diagnostics.

There are some shortcomings of lactulose/mannitol testing.

One of the issues is that the transport of lactulose or mannitol through the gut barrier is not actually or not necessarily an indicator of a malfunction of the intestinal tight junctions. In other words, a positive result doesn’t necessarily mean that there is intestinal permeability present.

There are a lot of variables that can influence the uptake of the sugars, like GI motility, use of medication like NSAIDs, the surface area of the intestine, gastric emptying, and mucosal blood flow so these variations can affect the result.

Another issue is that some studies have shown that only large molecules (over 5,000 daltons) can change the permeability of intestinal epithelial cells and then result in an inflammatory response in the body.

Lactulose and mannitol are below 500 daltons, which suggests that they may not be appropriate as challenge molecules for an intestinal permeability test.

There are ways to increase lactulose/mannitol testing accuracy including:

  1. Avoiding foods containing lactulose 24 hours before the test. Lactulose is found in heat-processed dairy and non-dairy beverages such as soy milk and some yoghurts.
  2. Avoid mannitol for 24 hours before the test. Mannitol is found in brown seaweed, celery, carrot, coconut, cauliflower, cabbage, pineapple, lettuce, watermelon, pumpkin, squash, cassava, pea, asparagus, coffee, olives and berries, and chewing gum.
  3. Avoid dairy products for 24 hours before the test.
  4. On the day of the test avoid drinking too much water.

The Antigenic Permeability Screen

The second test for leaky gut is called the antigenic permeability screen.  This test was developed by Doctor Aristo Vojdani at Cyrex Labs.

In large part, Dr Vojdani developed the test because of the shortcomings of the lactulose/mannitol test.

Doctor Vojdani wanted to create a test that would better reflect pathological permeability of the gut. So instead of using larger sugars, he decided to screen for antibodies to proteins and bacterial endotoxins, since those are the primary concern when it comes to immunoreactivity.

We know that the uptake of antigens, proteins and bacterial endotoxins, plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of a gastrointestinal and autoimmune disease.

Many studies are showing that the inappropriate transfer of proteins and endotoxins from the gut into the bloodstream initiates an inflammatory response and can contribute to autoimmune disease. This understanding explains the connection between leaky gut and autoimmune disease. Less than 10 per cent of subjects with a genetic susceptibility to autoimmune disease progress to having a clinical autoimmune disease in their lifetime. This fact suggests that environmental triggers like toxic chemicals and infections and dietary proteins are probably involved in the development of autoimmune disease.

The Antigenic Permeability Screen is a blood test. This test is only offered by one lab, Cyrex Labs, and is called Cyrex Array 2.

This test needs to be ordered by a healthcare practitioner who is registered with the Cyrex.

The test involves drawing a blood sample and then testing for antibodies to lipopolysaccharide, IgM, IgG and IgA antibodies,


In practice, for the reasons I explained above I do not check for intestinal permeability very often. Typically I tend to look at the underlying cause of intestinal permeability and address that first. So although the mannitol/lactulose and antigenic permeability screen are the best leaky gut tests, If I do a sound job with addressing the root, in most cases, the intestinal permeability will resolve on its own.

When I do test for permeability, I use the Cyrex test.



This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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